Coaching Resources

Guide to successfully coaching:

  1. Register to coach
    • Within our registration program, you have the opportunity to volunteer to coach
      • Choose: My Account
      • Choose: Volunteer
    • Enter the necessary information for us to conduct a background check
  2. Once you're background check is cleared you will have access to AYSO U: AYSOU - training for volunteers. Please click here for a guide on how to get trained and certified.
    • Safe Haven Courses
      • AYSO's Safe Haven (30 minutes)
      • CDC Heads Up - Concussion Training (30 minutes)
      • Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course (15 minutes)
      • Safe Sports (90 minutes, subsequent recertification takes 30 minutes)
    • Coach Courses (1 hour)
      • Find the course that meets the level you will be coaching
      • Springfield AYSO does not adhere to all of AYSO National Programs.  See the "Coach's Guide" below to learn what we've changed to make it better
  3. Air Quality Guidelines 

AYSO University Training for Volunteers

Post-Game Tips

  • Do a team cheer for the other team, "2-4-6-8, Who do we appreciate?!, <insert other team's name here>
  • Line up to high five the other team and their coach(es)
  • Line up the kids for the tunnel. Parents may sometimes need some encouragement to set up a tunnel...
  • Thank the referee (!)

For additional ideas and information:

U6 Division:

U6 Springfield AYSO Tips - Unique to Springfield AYSO

AYSO Division U6 Coach's Manual - National AYSO Ideas and Information


U7 Division (same as U6):

U7 Springfield AYSO Tips - Unique to Springfield AYSO

AYSO Division U6 Coach's Manual - National AYSO Ideas and Information


U9 Division:

U9 Springfield AYSO Tips - Unique to Springfield AYSO

AYSO Division U8 Coach's Manual - National AYSO Ideas and Information


U11 Division:

U11 Springfield AYSO Tips - Unique to Springfield AYSO

AYSO Division U10 Coach's Manual - National AYSO Ideas and Information


Referee Training:

Springfield AYSO Referee Basics for U6 - U11

AYSO Referee Guideline 2020-2021

The Psychology of Coaching

It is important as a coach that you subscribe to a philosophy that acknowledges the role of athletics in developing children as complete individuals.

September 8, 2014
What To Expect from U6 and U7 Players

Remember that kids will develop differently, both physically and socially. You must take the needs of ALL of your players into consideration.

September 9, 2014
What to Expect from U9 and U11 Players

You will find U11 players willing to join in games that require a moderate degree of strategy.